The Order of Preachers through the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville


  • Ángel García Martínez Facultad de Teología San Vicente Ferrer (Valencia)


Order of Preachers, Art, Charisma, Museo de Bellas Artes, Sevilla


For the visitor to the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville, the extensive Dominican presence in its collections (not only in number, but also in quality) cannot go unnoticed. Many of these pieces come from convents that the Order of Preachers had in the city until its extinction due to the disentailment laws of the 19th century. Thus, in their day they had the function of instructing and edifying both in the Catholic faith and in their own charisma to all who contemplated them: Dominicans and sympathizers, friars and nuns, novices and elders. We propose to recover this reading of the works, developing in the following pages a route that helps Dominicans of today to "listen", as the Dominicans of yesterday did, the teachings that the most excellent pieces that our older brothers have left us want to transmit to us.


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How to Cite

García Martínez, Ángel. (2024). The Order of Preachers through the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville. Archivo Dominicano, 45, 217–252. Retrieved from


