The Restoration of the Province of Bética and the novitiate in Zafra (Badajoz)


  • José María BUENO ESPINAR


To speak of Zafra and the Dominicans present in that town of Zafra (Badajoz) is to refer to the restorative work of Fr. Paulino Álvarez in Betica Province. This Asturian carried on his shoulders, with more enthusiasm than resources, the huge company entrusted to him by Fr. Master Frürwirth in 1897. Fr. Paulino himself indicated it in his circular letter, for him it was about erecting a gigantic building, and he was right. At the beginning of the restoration war broke out between Spain and the United States of America. Out of fear, what began to rise in Cádiz had to be transferred to Zafra. Improvisation was present and hardship too. To be honest, it must be said that Fr. Paulino in Zafra took the greatest joy from his short provincialate: he dressed a large group of novices from the Province of the Rosary in the Philippines in the Dominican habit. That community Zafra would be the one that would start up with hope for the future the restoration project of Fr. Paulino until was moved from Almagro.

Keywords: Paulino Álvarez, Novitiate, Zafra, Restauration, General Study, War 1898 



How to Cite

BUENO ESPINAR, J. M. (2022). The Restoration of the Province of Bética and the novitiate in Zafra (Badajoz). Archivo Dominicano, 43, 75–92. Retrieved from


